Wednesday 15 June 2011

Final Images

Oprah's elevator in operation:
The basic objects used to create her elevator further espouse how Oprah has achieved power by being down to earth and transparent. These shapes illustrate how nothing more than the basic human fundamentals are required. Put simply, all small things, ground in good intentions, grow into bigger things.

Bridge structure

View from Oprah's side

The architecture of the meeting space again has been designed to accommodate both clients. The idea of 'passive architecture' was at the forefront of this space, as both clients must leave their respective customised offices behind and acclimatise to a neutral space.

The organic design of the base of the meeting table is the most important aspect of this space as it is reflective of the foundations both clients and their respective character traits were built upon. Henceforth, the resulting object, which harks back to the notion of 'tree roots', again espouses how both characters intrinsically achieve power by being true to themselves.

The design of Lady Gaga's office stems from one of her eccentric outfits and is reflective of how she has achieved this notion of power by not conforming to the standards set by society. The design is holistically unpractical and would not make effective use of many amenities of design, effectively elucidating Gaga's persona. Her outlandish behaviour, which poses many questions but offers no definite answers acts as a critique to pop culture and is a social commentary on society. Her office space, consisting of a variation of triangles set at different, acts as an extension to her powerful, ever-changing persona.

As the bridge has been built with both clients in mind, it is appropriate that the essence of its design incorporated the theme of being 'true to form.' This theme is reflective of the clients achieving power by being true to themselves, albeit in contrasting ways.
The exposed structural frame of the bridge represents the openness of both characters. The seemingly 'crazy' elements at the centre are reflective of Lady Gaga's frivolity and extravagance. On the surface, these poles, just like Gaga, appear to be devoid of meaning. However on closer observation it is evident that they do indeed serve a structural purpose, akin to Gaga's underlying ridicule of Pop culture.  Contrastingly, the open nature of the frame is reflective of Oprah's nature. It consists of several simple elements, however when combined, forms a strong and sturdy structure. 

Contrastingly, the design of Oprah's office espouses how she has achieved her powerful status through being open, honest, and true to herself. Her office space, consisting of a series of cubic rooms, were specifically designed to be open on all sides in order to reflect how Oprah has been honest in her words and actions. Her truthful nature, whereby she has confronted, shared and overcome issues about her past which many of us would choose to ignore, is what separates her from the everyday person. Her position high in the sky is not reflective of superiority, moreover her status as a respected citizen of society. Similarly, the design for the towers which flank her office space further support this fact as their vertical nature are a reflection of her upstanding character.


View from meeting space

Lady Gaga's elevator is outlandish, however represents how crazy designs can grow from the repetition and variation of the same theme. Her power (symbolised through her dress) stems from simply using common everyday objects in a new way that hasn't been tried before.   

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