Wednesday 18 May 2011


Defying all of the preconceptions we have, I only wish more people were watching. The point isn’t merely to entertain, but to provoke response and discussion. In that moment, which melds unique creativity with the nuts-and-bolts required to make beautiful things, there’s an intimate connection. Nothing can be compared to in terms of its reach.
It's amazing ability to dazzle and delight guarantees best-seller status. I love the fact that it has such an iconic look, showing that design can be a valid business model. The three-year gestation has been unusually arduous, yet created and maintained a choke hold on the market. I channel that more so than anything else.
Iconic and powerful, Skeptics venture abound. The most unique weapon when it comes to innovation, its success hinges on fans being able to convince the world that it’s great. Commanding premium prices from advertisers, the design magic is definitely provocative. The stakes couldn’t be higher.
Cutting quite a figure as it stands out a mile, the clean post-industrial look has etched itself into the culture.
·         Lady Gaga (Red) - 'Times Online', Lady Gaga: The Future of Pop,  December 14th, 2008
·         Oprah Winfrey (Black)  - 'The New York Times', Oprah Winfrey, Sara Krulwich, May 25th, 2011
·         Jonathan Ive (Blue) - 'Bloomberg Business week', Who is Jonathan Ive, September 25th, 2011  

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