Sunday 24 April 2011


Hypothesis 1, Isaac Newton: “If it wasn’t for apples, Newton believed we would still be floating in space”

Hypothesis 2, Isaac Newton: “Isaac Newton believed every object had its own force

Hypothesis 3, Maria Agnesi: “Her life was part of a mathematical system of opposing differential and integral calculus”

Hypothesis 4, Maria Agnesi: “Lived her life battling the norms of convention

Hypothesis 5, Sigmund Freud: “Believed he was an artificial construct”

Hypothesis 6, Sigmund Freud: “The mind has another level when in hypnosis

N.B: I have constructed my axonometric’s based on the key words which I consider to be the underlying substance of the hypotheses. These key words are highlighted in bold and are essential in the overall understanding of my sketches.

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