Friday 29 April 2011

Final five images!

This image illustrates how Agnesi and Newton’s open yet secluded building was specifically designed to conform to its surroundings.
Image taken from a low vantage point illustrates how the ‘floating’ nature of the building reflects the electroliquid aggregation whilst simultaneously highlighting the range of dark, medium and light textures.
Regardless of its seemingly unpractical accessibility, this image captures how Agnesi and Newton are able to access their labs directly from the helipad or elevator.  

Custom Textures


Thursday 28 April 2011

Electroliquid Aggregation

Hypothesis 1: “If it wasn’t for apples, Newton believed we would still be floating in space”
Hypothesis 2: “Agnesi lived her life battling the norms of convention”
Electroliquid Aggregation:
“When in space, apples, like other objects, battle the norms of convention by floating”

The above image elucidates how my building, like apples in space, battles the norms of convention by appearing to float.

Client's labs and meeting point

I decided to go with my first amalgamation as a clear distinction can be between the meeting point in the middle, and the two labs on the left and right hand side for Newton and Agnesi respectively.

Design for client’s labs and meeting points

Whilst preparing to import my ‘interconnected’ model from Google Sketch Up into the Cry Engine, it became apparent that my design did not take into account subtracted prisms, subsequently incorporating too many elements. After much debate amongst various tutorial groups, it was decided that subtractions would indeed count as rectangular prisms, forcing me to slightly change my model.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Interconnected Parallel Projections

Interconnection of hypothesis 10, (Agnesi), with hypothesis 2, (Newton)

Interconnection of hypothesis 15, (Freud), with hypothesis 10 (Agnesi)
Interconnection of hypothesis 2, (Newton), with hypothesis 14 (Freud)

First Images in Cry Enginge

Image 1 – Close up. Illustrates architectural elements of building.  

Image 2 – Establishing shot. Espouses relationship between the building and its surrounding environment.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Google SketchUp

Hypothesis 4, Maria Agnesi: “Lived her life battling the norms of convention
Taking into account structural considerations, this design elucidates how Agnesi ‘lived her life battling the norms of convention,’ as the amalgamation of rectangular prisms is lopsided and would simply not be possible to construct.


Hypothesis 1, Isaac Newton: “If it wasn’t for apples, Newton believed we would still be floating in space”

Hypothesis 2, Isaac Newton: “Isaac Newton believed every object had its own force

Hypothesis 3, Maria Agnesi: “Her life was part of a mathematical system of opposing differential and integral calculus”

Hypothesis 4, Maria Agnesi: “Lived her life battling the norms of convention

Hypothesis 5, Sigmund Freud: “Believed he was an artificial construct”

Hypothesis 6, Sigmund Freud: “The mind has another level when in hypnosis

N.B: I have constructed my axonometric’s based on the key words which I consider to be the underlying substance of the hypotheses. These key words are highlighted in bold and are essential in the overall understanding of my sketches.


Isaac Newton:
-          Isaac Newton believed every object had its own force
-          If it wasn’t for apples, Newton believed we would still be floating in space
-          Newton believed the sun held a lot of power to the universe 
-          Isaac Newton believed curls get the girls
-          Newton believed humans will deconstruct the world through over construction of society.
Maria Agnesi
-          Agnesi was a witch
-          Maria owned a shovel and liked to dig
-          Her life was part of a mathematical system of opposing differential and integral calculus
-          She was made from a series of polygons
-          Lived her life battling the norms of convention
Sigmund Freud
-          Smoking enhances the capacity to work
-          Used cocaine as a cure for physical and mental illness
-          Freud created inception
-          Believed he was an artificial construct.
-          The mind has another level when in hypnosis.